Building a Business Website in 10 Simple Steps | 2023 Edition

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Using a website builder for small businesses: that’s the main method we recommend when building your online business.

We particularly recommend Wix. It’s a dream for tech beginners, and doesn’t require huge amounts of tech-savviness or hands-on effort to maintain. That said, setting up your business website with a website builder is a process – but fortunately, it’s one we’re well-equipped to help you with.

Below, we’re using our years of website-building experience to take you through the key steps to getting your business online in no time.

This guide will focus on the DIY website building route, but – if you’re interested in hiring a web designer – we’d highly recommend using this web design service comparison tool built by our trusted partners at Expert Market. It’s 100% free for Website Builder Expert readers to use, and you can view tailored pricing information with zero obligation.

Good to know: This article will focus on websites for businesses that aren’t looking to sell online. If you’d like to set up an online store, check out our complete guide to Building an Ecommerce Site.

1. Define Your Business Website Goals and Target Audience

Although we recommend using a website builder to create your website, regardless of which option you choose, there are a few things you need to decide on before you start building. You might be excited to dive straight in and begin, but taking a moment to do some serious planning will save you a lot of trouble further down the line!

Peter Erlandsson, founder of, highlights the benefits of getting your ducks in a row before you get started:

‘As boring as the planning phase might be, it will serve you well in the future. A well planned site has consistent branding, a setup that makes it easy and seamless to grow and develop, and lots of content that is optimized for SEO (search engine optimization) with the right keywords in mind.’

Below, we’ve listed a few key elements to consider before you let your creative juices flow – including defining your business website goals and target audience.

Determine the Main Purpose of Your Website

Why are you building a website? It might seem like an obvious question, but it’s the most important of them all.

Websites have the tools to accomplish a number of different goals, so knowing what you want yours to do is the best way to avoid confusion and provide a smooth customer experience. After all, no one wants to go to a Chinese restaurant expecting to eat Italian food – only to be served sushi!

It’s the same with websites. Your customers will have certain expectations, and it’s your website’s job to meet them. Whether you want to use it as a platform to sell goods, or simply provide information about your business, knowing this in advance will make it much easier to build a website that works for you and your customers.

Identify Your Target Audience

It’s rare for a company to target all kinds of users – for each business or industry, there’s a particular type of person they’ll be gearing their products, website, and marketing towards.

Figuring out your target audience early on in the game can be particularly helpful when it comes to making important design decisions later on. The demographic you’re aiming for can have an impact on the images and copy you use, and it might even influence smaller details like your font and color scheme, too.

Do Some Competitor Research

It’s pretty rare for any business to come up with a completely unique idea nowadays. That means one thing: there are going to be other companies out there offering the same thing as you!

Doing thorough competitor research, then, can give you a good idea of what you should and shouldn’t be including in your business website. You don’t have to limit your investigations only to websites in the same industry as you, either. Take a look at some of your personal favorites, and ask yourself what it is about them that you like. Is there anything you can incorporate into your own site to make your business stand out from the rest?

Catherine Cooke, founder and CEO of, had this to say about the importance of checking out the market before you get started:

“When building a business website, it’s important to look at what your competitors are doing. You want to stand out against your competition, but you also want to align yourself with industry standards. Find three or four elements of their web design that you can mimic, and find another three or four elements where you think you can do something completely different. This will tell users who visit your website what kind of service or product you offer and help you stand out and stick in their memory long after they’ve clicked away.”

Set Clear Goals for Your Business Website

Before diving into the process of creating your business website, it’s vital to establish clear goals for your online presence.

That means determining what you aim to achieve with your website: whether it’s generating leads, increasing online sales, building brand awareness, or providing valuable information to your audience.

By defining your goals early on, you can align your website design, content, and functionality to effectively support and drive those objectives. This clarity will also guide your decision-making throughout the website creation process: ensuring that your business website serves its purpose – and contributes to your overall success.

“In the post-Covid world, having a digital presence for your business is arguably more important than having a physical presence, at least in the case of some industries. And one of the simplest ways to have an online presence is by building a website. It is inexpensive yet so effective.”

Madhav Goenka is the Co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer at Frazile, a digital marketing agency. He has helped startups, as well as large companies, build a stronger online brand to get them more leads and sales.

Find Out More

Looking for inspiration? If your audience will be other businesses, check out our selection of the Best B2B Websites Examples to see how other top B2B brands designed their sites.

2. Get a Domain Name

A domain name is your website’s unique address. It’s often the first thing that potential customers will see, so it’ll play a very important part in forming their first impressions.

Because of this, it’s a good idea for businesses to have domain names that are the same as, or similar to, their company name. For example, our domain name is

When choosing your domain name, make sure you do your research to check that there aren’t any similar ones floating around. You also want it to be fairly short and easy to spell. We’d recommend avoiding abbreviations or unnecessary hyphens, too. This will reduce the risk of errors and make it easier for customers to spell your domain name!

There are plenty of domain registrars to choose from when selecting your domain name such as

Top Tip!

Although you want your domain name to be relevant to what you do, it’s a good idea to try and keep it broad, where possible. Being too restrictive with your name can hinder business growth later on. It’s a good idea to choose something that’ll be just as relevant in five years’ time as it is now.

You’ll need to pay an initial cost to register your domain, and then pay a yearly fee to keep it registered going forwards. Doing this will secure your domain name and make sure that nobody else can take it.

A domain name typically costs around $10 to $12 per year. You can usually get your domain directly through your website builder, or via a separate domain registrar. Popular domain name providers include and NameCheap.

Most website builders (such as Wix) include a free domain name for the first year. For any subsequent years, you can pay for your domain name directly through your builder.

Good to know...

When choosing your domain name, make sure you also think about your top-level domain (TLD), too. This is the bit at the end of your address, for example, .com or .org. Different TLDs have different prices, with the most common ones usually costing the most. When your business gets a bit bigger, it’s worth purchasing as many TLDs associated with your domain name as possible, so that other businesses can’t buy them and divert customers away from your website.

Further Reading:

  • What is a Domain Name? – Take a look at our thorough guide to domain names. You’ll find everything you need to know right here!
  • 5 Best Domain Name Registrars – We’ll take a look at some of the best domain name registrars on the market, so you’ll know where to go to pick yours out.
  • How Much Does a Domain Name Cost – Get clued up on the ins and outs of domain name pricing so you can factor this in when setting your budget.

3. Create an Email Address

To make your business look more professional and established, you’ll need a custom email address. For example, instantly looks more credible than

The most common way to format business email addresses is to include the business’s domain name.

For example, our email address is

Getting a custom business email address is quick, cheap, and fairly easy. We recommend using G Suite, which is powered by Google.

how to build a business website - g suite gmail

It’s basically Gmail for businesses, except you have a personalized email address. You get the user-friendly interface, reliability, and security of Gmail, with prices starting at $6 per month for each business email address.

Good to know...

G Suite is fully integrated with some of our recommended website builders. If you choose to use one of these website builders, it’ll be easy for you to set up your own personalized business email addresses – you won’t even need to sign up to G Suite separately. For example, Wix allows you to create a business email address by purchasing a subscription to G Suite Mailbox from your dashboard.

4. Choose a Website Builder

Now, on to one of the most important steps: choosing your website builder!

It’s important to mention at this point that there isn’t a ‘one size fits all’ solution when it comes to choosing the right business website builder. Different businesses will have vastly different needs – a trendy new restaurant, for example, will require something totally different from a small law firm.

That said, having tested over 50 website builders, we can confidently say that Wix is our top choice for building a business website, with Squarespace also offering a great option. You can’t go far wrong if you pick any one of these platforms, but you can check out our best website builders for small business ranking to see even more options.

Below, we’ll give you a quick rundown of each of our top website builders, so you can judge the one that’s best for you.

1. Wix

Best All-Around Website Builder


out of 5
Top Choice
Template Design

4.5 out of 5 stars

Ease of Use

5 out of 5 stars

Features & Flexibility

4.5 out of 5 stars


5 out of 5 stars


5 out of 5 stars

Best Overall Website Builder

Learning how to use Wix is really simple. That’s probably why Wix is the builder that users were most likely to recommend following our user testing. It comes with over 800 professionally designed templates covering a huge array of industries – including food service, which is partly why Wix also earns the title of  best restaurant website builder.

Wix at a glance:

Who is Wix best for?

  • Users that need a lot of design help and guidance. Wix offers pre-populated template designs, so you can easily swap in your own business images and content instead of starting from scratch. Alternatively, you can use Wix ADI – this is an artificial intelligence design software that simply asks you what you like, then takes your ideas and builds a custom website design for you.
  • Users that need more flexible tools for a specialty business website. If you need apps – for example, an online booking/reservation app or a restaurant/order takeout app – Wix is a safe bet. Its app market is one of the most extensive in the industry.
Wix logo

Do You Like the Sound of Wix?

Wix is a strong all-around web builder that’s great for beginners, while still offering tons of creative control and cool features.

Further Reading:

  • Wix Review – a full breakdown of its features, prices, and more
  • Wix Pricing – take a closer look at how much Wix costs, and the additional charges you should be aware of

2. Squarespace

Best Design Oriented


out of 5
Ease of Use

4 out of 5 stars

Template Design

5 out of 5 stars

Features & Flexibility

5 out of 5 stars


4.5 out of 5 stars


4.5 out of 5 stars

Beautiful Designs, and Ideal for Scaling Your Business

Squarespace is like the Apple of business website builders. It can help you create visually stunning, minimalist business websites that capture your visitors’ attention. Learning how to use Squarespace isn’t quite as straightforward as it is with Wix, but its award-winning templates are worth the slightly steeper learning curve.

Squarespace at a glance:

Who is Squarespace best for?

  • Users who want to create a visually stunning website for businesses in more creative industries, such as photography or design. You can see some examples here.
squarespace logo

Do You Want a Beautiful Website?

Squarespace is a design-focused builder that combines the best designs on the market with powerful tools. Take a closer look!

Find out more:

5. Plan Your Website Structure

When creating a business website with a website builder, it’s crucial to plan your website structure to ensure an organized and user-friendly experience for your visitors.

Here are some steps to help you define the main sections and pages of your business website and create a tailored navigation menu:

1. Identify Main Sections

Start by identifying the primary sections that make up your business website. Common sections include Home, About Us, Products/Services, Blog, Contact Us, and potentially others based on your specific business needs.

Consider the nature of your business and the information you want to convey to your visitors – and think about the essential components that best represent your business.

2. Organize Content

Next, break down each main section into subcategories or pages. For example, under the Products/Services section, you might have separate pages for each of the individual products or services you offer – or for their different categories.

While you’re at it, be sure to organize your content logically: keeping in mind the user’s journey, and the information they’re seeking when visiting each section. Ensure a clear and intuitive flow from one page to another.

3. Create a Navigation Menu

Design a navigation menu that reflects your website’s structure. Typically, the navigation menu is placed prominently at the top of the page or in a sidebar.

Use clear and concise labels for each menu item, reflecting the corresponding section or page’s content. But above all, keep it simple – and avoid overwhelming your website’s visitors with too many menu items!

4. Tailor Navigation for Your Business

Be sure to customize your navigation menu to align with your business needs. If you offer different services or have specific features, highlight them in the menu for easy access – and prioritize the most important sections or pages by placing them in the main menu, or using prominent visual cues.

5. Test and Refine

After planning your website structure and navigation, test it yourself – and seek feedback from your family and friends. Evaluate (honestly!) how easily you can navigate through the different sections and pages. Then, make any necessary adjustments to improve user experience.

6. Pick a Template

Now that you’ve chosen your website builder, it’s time to pick your template, which will act as your design springboard. This is our favorite step, as it’s the first time you’ll be able to stretch your creative fingertips and get a real sense of how your business website could look.

If you build with Wix, you’ll have total freedom to customize your template however you want, which means – for better or worse – you could end up with something completely different from what you started with.

Squarespace isn’t so keen to hand over the creative reins – but that’s not a bad thing, given that Squarespace’s templates are award-winning.

Whichever builder you go with, you won’t be short of options:

Top Tip!

When picking your design, it makes sense to start out with the template that most closely resembles your end goal. Filtering by industry is helpful here – for example, if you’re starting a fitness website, you may be able to find fitness-specific templates.

Before making your choice, you can preview each template. When you find the one for you, simply click and start editing! You can preview and try out as many templates as you like before publishing. Some website builders even lets you switch your template after your site has gone live, which can be handy for future redesigns.

Be warned though – this isn’t the case with all website builders. Wix, for example, doesn’t allow you to change your theme once you’ve published your site.

When settling on a template for your own website, try to look beyond the more superficial details, like font, colors, and images. Whichever builder you use, this stuff will be really easy to switch out.

Instead, focus on the structure of the site, the layout of the pages, and the general ‘feel’: does the template feel modern and ‘edgy,’ or more safe and traditional? Is it more ‘in your face’ or understated? Think about how this matches up with your brand identity.

Further Reading:

7. Create Engaging and Relevant Content

Once you’ve settled on your template, you’re ready to start customizing and swapping out all the placeholder content for your own. This is the point where you can also add extra pages or sections if you want to.

Generally, website builders make this part of the process dead easy, but their formats aren’t always identical. For example, Wix is a drag-and-drop builder, and has an extensive list of customization options. Squarespace, on the other hand, isn’t strictly drag-and-drop. Rather, the majority of changes are made in the sidebars, with limited customization happening on the actual page.

We recommend spending some time familiarizing yourself with your builder’s specific editor before you get going with serious personalization. 

In terms of pages, all business websites will need:

  1. A strong homepage – Visitors should be able to work out what you do quickly, and navigate to other sections smoothly.
  2. An informative ‘About Us’ page – Tell people your story, and add pictures of your team.
  3. A clear ‘Contact’ page – Customers need to know where they can find you, and how best to reach you.

Many businesses will also need:

  1. A products/services page – Talk about what you do best, and add images if you have them.
  2. A blog – This can help demonstrate your expertise, keep your site feeling fresh, and help your site perform well with search engines – but only if you can commit to posting to it fairly regularly.
  3. High-quality images, videos, and other multimedia elements related to your business – to engage your audience in a way that’s immersive and interactive.

Heads up! We’ve got plenty of guides to help out with this:

If you haven’t already, now is a good time to check out the competition. What pages do you like on their website? Is there anything you’ve missed on yours? Any pitfalls you’re keen to avoid? Your website should look individual, yes – but it’s good to know what your customers will be expecting to find.

Some More Helpful Resources

8. Integrate Essential Features for Your Business

Now that you’ve sorted out your pages and populated them with your own content, it’s time to add in some extra features.

This is normally done through adding ‘apps’ from the builder’s own app market, although some only offer inbuilt features.

Wix App Market
Wix’s app store is packed with different add-ons to help boost your website through the ranks
Squarespace Extensions
Squarespace offers ‘extensions,’ rather than apps, and their selection is more limited than that of Wix

Using apps, or extensions, helps you to improve the functionality of your website by beefing it up with some additional features. This is particularly handy for small business owners because it gives you the freedom to pick and choose the apps that are most relevant to your brand.

Here are some examples of apps and features that we think can work well for business websites:

  1. Forms – this gives your customers an alternative way to contact you, and helps you organize your enquiries. You can also encourage people to sign up for email communication.
  2. Social media integration – whether it’s in the form of buttons linking to your social accounts, an embedded Instagram gallery, or a live Twitter feed, there’s an app for that.
  3. Cookie alerts – be transparent with your visitors about how you’re using their data, and give them the option to change this.
  4. Live chat – another useful (and increasingly popular) way to connect with your customers in real time.
  5. Google Maps – an interactive map to help your customers find you.
  6. Customer testimonials – show customer comments and testimonials on your site. Adding social proof to your website will boost trust and conversions.

Top Tip!

If you’re looking to sell a few products on your business website, why not use Square Online Checkout links? These checkout links make it super easy for you to securely accept payments through your website without the hassle of needing to buy and install an ecommerce app.

To get started, create a free account with Square Online, give whatever product you’re selling a name and a price, and create a checkout link to place on your website. Simple!

But this is really just the tip of the iceberg! All the examples we’ve listed above are from Wix, simply because it has one of the biggest app markets (with over 300 apps).

This selection works across many different business types, but there’s also a bunch of industry-specific apps for more niche functionality – check out Wix StoresWix BookingsWix RestaurantsWix Hotels, and Wix Video as examples.

Squarespace offers something slightly different. Because Squarespace’s plans have quite a variety of features already built-in, users have the option of downloading a limited number of ‘extensions.’ Don’t worry – these are exactly the same as apps – it’s just the terminology that’s different! They’re particularly handy if you want your website to have ecommerce functionality attached.

More Information

9. Optimize Your Business Website for Search Engines

It’s all very well and good having a beautiful website, and adding that all-important contact page to encourage your customers to connect with you. But if they never see your website because it doesn’t make it to the first page of the search engine results, then all your hard work will be in vain.

When you type a search term like ‘best brunch in Chicago’ into Google’s search bar, a complex algorithm analyzes over 200 factors to decide on the results you’re presented with, and their order.

Mastering this algorithm and using it to your own advantage is a fine art, so we’ve put together three simple steps you can take to help optimize your business site.

Make Sure Your Site Loads Quickly

Users don’t like slow websites – the majority will abandon your site if it takes longer than 3 seconds to fully render – and therefore neither does Google.

There are a few ways to improve your site speed, one of which is making sure you aren’t packing it full of heavy images. Compressing these using a tool such as is a quick and easy way of reducing your file size in a few seconds, but without compromising the quality of your visuals. This way, you can keep your website image-rich without bloating your pages.

On the topic of images, we also recommend that you give all of your files keyword-based names, and provide clear and relevant alt text when uploading them to your website. Not only does this have clear SEO benefits, but it also makes your site more inclusive, helping those with visual disabilities access your images.

In addition to this, avoiding stock photos is also a good way of building a reputable brand presence. Using your own images means that you can select graphics that are specifically related to your brand and won’t be found on any other site. You can also employ User-Generated Content (UGC) by repurposing posts from your customers – with permission of course! Given that consumers are 2.4 times more likely to view UGC as authentic, this is great for boosting your standing in the eyes of Google.

If you’re not sure whether your site speed is up to scratch, you can run your page through a free page load speed tool (we like PageSpeed Insights by Google) to identify any problem areas. It’s a good idea to do this regularly – especially when you’ve uploaded new content!

Don’t Forget About Mobile

More Google searches are now carried out via mobile than via desktop, so it’s crucial that your site reformats well for smaller screens. All the website builders we’ve included on this list have fully mobile-responsive templates, so should reformat automatically – just be sure to test this out before you hit publish.

Use Keywords (Sparingly)

Take advantage of a free keyword finder like Google Ads Keyword Planner to identify particularly popular searches. Once you know what key terms people are searching for, you can then integrate them naturally into your content. These keywords act a bit like signposts, signaling to Google who you are and what you’re doing. Using them strategically will make your site more likely to reach the first page of search engine results.

Going back to our brunch example, you might find that ‘best breakfast in Chicago’ has a measly search volume of 10 users per month, but ‘best brunch in Chicago’ is way more popular, with hundreds of monthly searches. As a result, you’d want to update your content to advertise ‘brunch’ rather than ‘breakfast’ so you can scoop up all those extra searches.

Once you’ve found a few popular (and relevant) key terms, it’s time to start including them in your content. Make sure to use these terms naturally in your copy – Google can tell if you’re simply ‘keyword stuffing’ for rankings. Keep creating good content, and trust Google to join the dots!

Of course, this isn’t an exhaustive list. There are plenty of other ways to up your SEO health – such as securing high-quality backlinks, as well as including internal links to keep your visitors clicking. Connecting your site up with your social media is also a great way of fleshing out your brand and making it feel more three-dimensional, too.

Overall, however, it’s important to know that all of Google’s ranking factors hinge on quality and user experience – so if you prioritize that, you can’t go too far wrong.

Optimize your page titles and meta tags

Make your page titles concise – yet descriptive – and keep them between 50-60 characters to ensure they’re displayed in their entirety in search engine results.

Some other best practices for page titles are:

  • Including relevant keywords that accurately represent the content of the page. This helps search engines understand the topic and improves the chances of ranking for those keywords.
  • Ensuring each page on your website has a unique page title to avoid confusion and provide distinct information about the content.
  • Creating compelling page titles that entice users to click through by incorporating persuasive language or indicating the value they can expect from the page.

As for meta descriptions, here’s our best-practice advice for putting them together:

  • Summarize the page content with meta descriptions that provide a concise summary of the page’s content in 150-160 characters. This is the snippet that appears below the page title in search results.
  • Include keywords naturally within the meta description to signal to search engines the relevance of the page to users’ queries.
  • Craft meta descriptions that grab attention and entice users to click by highlighting unique selling points, benefits, or a compelling call-to-action.
  • Ensure that the meta description accurately represents the content on the page to maintain consistency and credibility.

10. Publish, Monitor, and Update

Once you’ve followed these steps to build a beautiful business website, there’s only one thing left to do: hit that publish button!

Before you send your creation out into the world, though, we recommend giving it a final once-over. This includes checking how it renders on different screen sizes, and on different internet browsers, too.

After your site has been published, it’s always good to get another pair of eyes on it to make sure everything works properly, and to check you haven’t missed anything. Recruit your family and friends for some urgent user testing. This way, any issues can be ironed out as soon as possible.

Once you’re confident that everything’s working well and your traffic is on its way from a slow trickle to a steady stream, it’s time to sit back, relax, and bask in your success…

…but not for long! Like every great masterpiece, there’s no such thing as a ‘finished’ website.

Not only do you need to keep on top of updates – uploading new blog posts, adding new projects or services, and updating your ‘About Us’ page with new team members or achievements – but you also need to monitor how people are using your site, and take steps to improve their experience.

There are three tools we’d recommend for this – click on each one below to read more about Google Analytics, Hotjar, and Optimizely.

Google Analytics

Firstly, be sure to link your site up with Google Analytics. This is a free tool, and the website builder you use will offer a guide to adding what’s known as a tracking ID to your site, so Google Analytics can start collecting data on how your site is being used.

You can use Google Analytics to find out: 

  • Who your audience is, i.e. their age, gender, and location
  • Your most popular pages
  • Which pages people spend a long time on, and which pages people ‘bounce’ straight off

You can use insights like these to make adjustments to your site, and to inform how you make content in the future.


This is a great tool for showing you how people are interacting with your site in a much more visual way. You can add Hotjar to specific pages to measure where people are clicking, and how far down they are scrolling.

We’d especially recommend using Hotjar to test your homepage. It’s a great way to identify points where the user is struggling. It might be that they’re expecting something to be clickable that isn’t, or are spending too long trying to navigate through an overly-complicated menu. You may find that your key content is buried too far down the page, and only a tiny percentage are scrolling far enough to interact with it.

Hotjar is free up to 2,000 page views per day, and then costs $29+ per month (with a free trial).


Once you’re getting a significant amount of traffic, think about signing up to Optimizely. This is a way to test the impact of changes to your site under ‘perfect test conditions’. You can use Optimizely to run what’s known as an ‘A/B test’, where half your audience is shown the original version of the page, and half are shown the updated one. You can then check which performs better against your chosen metric.

Good to know...

We recommend you install Google Analytics as soon as possible, but Hotjar and Optimizely are both worth considering later down the line.

Summary: Creating a Business Website with a Website Builder

Before we leave you with our FAQs – and, hopefully, everything you need to create your own business website with a website builder – let’s quickly recap each step of the business website creation process:

  1.  Define your business website goals and target audience
  2. Get a domain name
  3. Create an email address
  4. Choose a website builder
  5. Plan your website structure
  6. Pick a template
  7. Create engaging and relevant content
  8. Integrate essential features for your business
  9. Optimize your business website for search engines
  10. Publish, monitor and update

That’s (pretty much) all from us! So good luck, enjoy, and let us know how you get on building your own business website in the comments.


You can create a business website in a matter of hours if you really want to! Yes – it really is that quick and easy!

Using a website builder means your business can have a brand spanking new, and professional looking, website in no time at all. We recommend allowing a day or two to really get your site up and running to a level you’re happy with.

Most website builders have free plans, or at least free trials, that mean you can create a business website for nothing! However, free plans do come with restrictions that can be limiting for your business, for example, displaying adverts for your website builder on your site. This doesn’t give off a very professional image, but you can get rid of them by upgrading to a paid plan for a modest monthly fee.

Wix has a free plan that you can use for as long as you want. So if you’re set on creating a business website for free, give Wix a whirl!

You can technically create a small business website for free using a website builder free plan. However, in order to make a really professional looking business website, with a personal domain and free of adverts, costs start from around $5 a month.
We recommend Wix as the best business website builder. It has fantastic features and is a really flexible and easy to use platform.
According to our researchSiteBuilder comes out as the easiest to use website builder, with Wix in a close second place.
Wix has a free plan that you can use for as long as you like. To upgrade to its cheapest monthly plans, Wix starts at $5 a month. Check out our guide on the cheapest website builders for more information.
With a website builder, you won’t need to source your own hosting. All of this will be covered in your chosen plan. You can leave the complicated stuff to the website builder and focus on unleashing your creativity.
Written by:
I’ve written for brands and businesses all over the world – empowering everyone from solopreneurs and micro-businesses to enterprises to some of the ecommerce industry’s best-known brands: including Yahoo!, Ecwid, and Entrepreneur. My commitment for the future is to empower my audience to make better, more effective decisions: whether that’s helping you pick the right platform to build your website with, the best hosting provider for your needs, or offering recommendations as to what – and how – to sell.